I do keep an eye on our statcounter off in the sidebar, just to see where our readers and participants come from, and it's also nice to see who is linking to us.
In the interests of privacy, I don't make any of this public, although I've been known to drop an email to Boy and Kae letting them know that we're getting a few hits from an unexpected source.
I'm just an inveterate stickybeak when it comes to stuff like that.
Anyway, I have noticed that we're getting some visitors from fora where you have to be registered. As I'm not registered, then I can't access them to see what's being said about this blog.
I'm presuming it's positive, and I did notice that someone in another forum has a link to us in their sig.
That is a Good Thing. :)
Word is filtering through the blogosphere, with many thanks to Andrew Bolt in particular, and many for those smaller groups who have picked up the ball and run with it.
I'm a big fan of looking after our own, and I'd personally like to see every member of our Forces serving in hostile lands to receive care packages.
The more word gets out, the closer that aim becomes.
For those who read and pass the information on, keep up the great work. Even if you're not in a position to send anything, that's not a problem. As Boy has said below:
We do this on our own. We do not come together at a central location to decide what to pack, or where to buy the ingredients, or to pack a pile of boxes as a group. We rely on self motivation to go and do it, and persistence and tenacity to do it again and again on a regular (or irregular) basis. We offer each other encouragement through our actions.
We have no central committee to keep things running. We elect no board, have no directors, have no Constitution and keep no lists of membership. We do not waste time on meeting and talking and canvassing opinions - we just do.
We pay for this ourselves. We seek no government grants or subsidies (apart from the free postage already on offer), or corporate support, and we seek no individual donations. We get no tax breaks or deductions. The effort to put together a box, and to earn the money to pay for the contents, is entirely ours.
We each choose how much to spend, and make no judgements as to whether a box cost nothing to pack, or a small fortune. You give what you can afford to give, and what you think would be worthwhile to receive.
We encourage others to do the same, but we do not hector, cajole or harass them into joining or complying. You do or you don't. What you choose to do is your business, and yours alone.
For our lurkers, in Oz and all the other countries reading us, keep up the good work.
It's bewdy, mate!